Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I thought there is no better time to start this blog than Thanksgiving. This is now Mieko's third Thanksgiving. I remember getting the Trisomy 18 diagnosis at about the 21st week of pregnancy, just before Halloween. Every holiday, birthday, family gathering, all I could think about was whether she would ever experience what we all take for granted. She has surprised us all. It's hard to think of anyone being a long-term survivor at just two and a half. But in the trisomy world, Mieko is unique. Everyday she impresses us with her perseverence and spirit.

But we're all human. We get weighed down with the phone calls, e-mails, appointments, work, meetings. All those things that seem so urgent. During the holidays, we may slow down for a few hours and enjoy our time together. This Thanksgiving, I'm going to remember all of the families who don't have time. Their time with their children has passed. Every special day is marked with an ache for the one who's not there. It is a parent's worst fear and one that hangs over my head.

People sometimes tell me they're inspired by Mieko and all she's accomplished. I'm inspired by those families who've lost their children and still press on. Like authors Amy Kuebelbeck and Deborah Davis. They are currrently compiling the stories of families and how they made the most of time on earth with their children. It's called Gift of Time (see link below). Just seeing that they can go on and teach others, gives me hope. Thanks.

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